
I’m passionate about problem-solving and the transformative power of technology. My journey into the world of software engineering began in 2018 when I embarked on my professional career after completing a Full-Stack Coding Bootcamp at UC Berkeley Extension. Shortly after receiving my certificate, I was able to land a job with FWD.US, a non-profit organization dedicated to harnessing technology for social impact. I was able to work with many cross-functional teams in a collaborative environment for almost 6 years and produce amazing web user experiences that made it easy for people to access credible information regarding immigration and criminal justice reform.

As a first-generation American born to entrepreneurial Mexican immigrant parents, I’ve been driven by a deep sense of purpose to leverage my skills and passions. Using coding and programming, I continue to make a positive difference in the lives of others by making new possibilities accessible. Technology keeps us together and keeps us informed. I take great pride in contributing to a future where technology can improve the lives of those I love—for the better.

The limitless possibilities that come with coding never cease to inspire me, whether I’m creating sophisticated solutions to challenging issues or researching the newest developments in technology. I enjoy helping others realize their dreams and creating tools that support them in doing so. Join me on this exciting journey as we push the boundaries of innovation and create a brighter future in technology together.

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